Andrew Huberman Reveals His Experience with Testosterone Therapy at 45

Andrew Huberman, the renowned neuroscientist and popular podcast host, has recently revealed that he started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) earlier this year at the age of 45. In a candid discussion on the More Plates More Dates podcast, Huberman shared insights into his experience with TRT and the effects he’s observed, emphasizing a crucial lesson: when it comes to hormone therapy, more is not always better.

Finding the Right Balance

Huberman’s journey with TRT began in January 2023 under medical supervision, initially as part of research for an upcoming book on hormones and the brain. He started with a typical prescription of 0.7 mL of 200 mg/mL testosterone cypionate injected once weekly. However, through careful self-experimentation and monitoring, Huberman quickly discovered that this standard approach wasn’t optimal for him.

“I discovered something that won’t be any surprise to you which was that more is not better,” Huberman explained. He found that higher doses led to unwanted side effects, including increased sympathetic nervous system activation. This realization led him to explore different protocols, eventually landing on a micro-dosing approach.

The Micro-Dosing Approach

Huberman’s experimentation led him to an ideal dosage of 30 mg of testosterone cypionate injected every other day. This frequent, low-dose regimen has provided him with noticeable benefits while avoiding unwanted side effects. Huberman emphasized that this approach helps maintain more stable hormone levels compared to less frequent, larger doses.

Observed Benefits

Since starting his optimized TRT regimen, Huberman has reported several positive effects:

Improved energy levels and ability to work long days without fatigue
Better recovery from workouts, allowing more frequent training
Dramatically reduced appetite for sugar and processed foods
Increased equanimity and ability to handle stress calmly
Enhanced mental clarity

Interestingly, Huberman noted that TRT hasn’t significantly altered his goal-oriented mindset or work ethic, as he was already highly driven before. However, it has provided him with more of a “buffer” to lean into challenges.

The Importance of Cardiovascular Exercise

While discussing his TRT experience, Huberman stressed the critical importance of maintaining cardiovascular exercise, not just focusing on resistance training. He explained that cardio is crucial for maintaining healthy blood lipids and overall wellbeing, especially when undergoing hormone therapy.

Individualized Approach

Perhaps the most important takeaway from Huberman’s experience is the need for an individualized approach to TRT. He emphasized that “the best dosage for some people is zero milligrams” when it comes to any supplement or hormone therapy. This underscores the importance of working closely with a medical professional and carefully monitoring one’s response to treatment.

Huberman is currently aiming for testosterone levels in the 800-1000 ng/dL range, though he’s still awaiting updated bloodwork on his current protocol.