Tate Brothers Are Waging a Psychological War on Their Victims Through Podcasts

In a podcast appearance with Tim Pool, attorney Joseph McBride claimed that a woman from Florida had falsely accused the Tates of crimes after a 6-day visit to Romania, triggering an investigation and raid. However, the official Romanian indictment tells a very different story.

According to the indictment, Tristan Tate initiated contact with the American woman in November 2021, convincing her to move to Romania by January 2022. Chat logs show Tate pressuring her into cam work shortly after her arrival in April.

The raid was actually prompted when the American woman and another victim from Moldova attempted to escape the Tate compound. The American woman texted her parents about the situation, who then contacted authorities through proper channels. This led to an official investigation and raid by Romania’s anti-organized crime agency DIICOT.

Contrary to McBride’s claims, the American woman did not directly accuse the Tates of crimes or contact law enforcement herself. The indictment shows DIICOT rescued multiple trafficking victims during the raid based on their own investigation.

Tate Brothers US attorney sued victims for defamation in order to dox the girl, her parents the marine who helped them and another victim who was desperate to escape

Andrew and Tristan Tate’s American lawyer, Joseph McBride, has filed a $5 million defamation lawsuit against alleged victims in Florida, in what critics say is an attempt to intimidate and silence them.

The lawsuit names the American woman who escaped from the Tates’ compound in Romania, as well as her parents, a Marine who assisted her, and another alleged victim. Legal experts say the suit appears designed to publish victims’ personal details and enable harassment by Tate supporters.

Key details:

– McBride filed the suit in July 2023, shortly after Romanian prosecutors formally indicted the Tates on human trafficking charges.

– The lawsuit accuses victims of defamation, false imprisonment, and conspiracy, seeking $5 million in damages.

– A judge has since ordered victims’ names be anonymized due to harassment concerns.

– Most claims have been dismissed, leaving only defamation allegations against the American woman.


– Text messages allegedly showing victims conspiring appear to be fabricated or manipulated.

– The Marine named in the suit was commended by a judge for properly reporting suspected trafficking.

The leaked evidence from Tate defamation case has faked timestamps

Recent leaks purporting to show damning evidence against Andrew Tate’s alleged trafficking victims appear to contain doctored timestamps, casting doubt on their authenticity.

Screenshots circulated online, claimed to be official WhatsApp chat logs, show conversations between two alleged victims discussing plans to frame the Tate brothers. However, analysis reveals several red flags indicating the timestamps have been manipulated.

Most glaringly, every message in one leaked conversation is inexplicably timestamped “10:42 29 PM” on April 6, 2022. This uniform timing across multiple messages is highly improbable in a genuine chat log.

Furthermore, the dates don’t align with established facts from the official Romanian indictment.

Other screenshots appear to splice together messages from different days, omitting context and rearranging the timeline of events.

These inconsistencies suggest the leaked “evidence” has been selectively edited and manipulated, likely in an attempt to discredit Tate’s accusers.

Fresh and fit and Candace Owens named the victim and left links to documents where her full name and personal information can be found

Popular podcasters Fresh and Fit, along with conservative commentator Candace Owens, have come under fire for allegedly violating a court order by naming and revealing personal information about a victim in the ongoing human trafficking case against Andrew Tate.

A judge had ordered the names of victims in the case to be anonymized, making it illegal for Tate, his representatives, or associates to publicly identify them. However, on September 8, 2023, Tate’s lawyer Joseph McBride appeared on the Fresh and Fit podcast and repeatedly named a victim whose identity was supposed to be protected. The podcast episode allegedly included a link to an unredacted court filing containing victims’ names and personal details.


On August 5, 2023, Candace Owens named the same victim multiple times during an episode of her show on YouTube, while she was still associated with The Daily Wire. Owens allegedly identified the victim, who was a minor at the time of the events being discussed, while censoring the name of an adult offender in the same case.

These actions, if verified, could potentially lead to legal consequences for the podcasters and commentators involved.

The court of public opinion isn’t all that relevant because they are going to be tried by a Judge

While Andrew and Tristan Tate’s legal troubles have captured widespread public attention, their fate ultimately rests not with public opinion, but with the Romanian judicial system. Despite claims by their American lawyer Joseph McBride about influencing the “Romanian public consciousness,” the Tates will face a single judge, not a jury, in their upcoming criminal trials.

The brothers are currently facing two separate criminal cases in Romania involving charges of human trafficking, SA, and organized crime. A third case awaits them in the UK. Throughout their legal ordeals, the Tates and their representatives have made numerous public statements and filed lawsuits that appear aimed at shaping the narrative around their case.

However, Romania’s court system is well-versed in handling human trafficking cases, with prosecutors reportedly securing convictions in nearly 98% of such trials. The judge presiding over the Tates’ case will be focused solely on evaluating the evidence presented, not on public sentiment or media narratives.

While the Tates have seen some easing of their judicial controls over time, this reflects standard Romanian legal procedures rather than any impact from their public messaging campaigns. In fact, some of their public statements have backfired, leading to tightened restrictions on their movements.


Number of victims accusing the tates is 35 plus 12 – even though they’ve offered 5000 euros to the women who give positive statements about them to the police

New evidence suggests the number of victims accusing Andrew and Tristan Tate of human trafficking and sexual exploitation continues to grow, despite attempts to silence accusers.

According to recent reports, at least 35 women were initially identified as potential victims in the second set of charges against the Tates. However, an additional dozen victims have recently come forward, bringing the total to around 47.

This contradicts claims made by the Tates’ legal representative that only a handful of accusers remain. In fact, leaked evidence files indicate Andrew Tate has attempted to bribe victims into compliance. One victim swore in a statement that Tate promised her €5,000 to “declare only good things” about him to authorities, though he only paid half that amount.

The victim also stated Tate asked her “How much does it cost to make this all go away?” and instructed her to swap phones to hide their conversations.

Romanian prosecutors appear to be taking a thorough approach in contacting all women from the Tates’ past. This has led to dozens of sworn statements against the brothers across multiple investigations in Romania and the UK.

While some women have publicly defended the Tates, there are indications this may be due to continued manipulation and control. Victims of human trafficking often cannot consent to their own exploitation under the law, whether they realize it or not.

No Tate brothers didn’t get their seized assets back

Contrary to McBride’s claims, no assets from the first criminal indictment raid have been returned to the Tates.

While some vehicles were recently released by the court, these belonged to a German company called Canon Run Limited, not to the Tates personally. McBride’s assertion that the Tates had 60 cars taken and over $20 million in assets seized are both significantly exaggerated.

The Tate brothers remain under investigation for organized crime charges in Romania. Despite attempts to portray their past actions as youthful mistakes from “10 years ago,” evidence shows their alleged criminal enterprise was active until their arrest in December 2022.

Leaked wiretaps and indictment details reveal the brothers were still operating webcam studios and allegedly exploiting women as recently as 2021-2022. Claims that potential victims are defending the Tates are complicated by evidence of witness intimidation and bribery attempts.

Their lawyer frames criminal charges as EU waging a war on Men

Joseph D. McBride, who represents the Tate brothers, claimed in a podcast appearance  that the prosecution is “doubling down” on charges against his clients because they are “very influential especially when it comes to young men.” He framed the case as an attempt to silence the Tates and their message of male empowerment.

“This is about the fact that Andrew and Tristan are very influential especially when it comes to young men,” McBride said. “The mainstream media, the European Union and the governments over there… wants young men to be docile, wants young men to be not aggressive.”

However, an analysis of the evidence and charges against the Tates contradicts McBride’s narrative. Leaked wiretaps and other evidence also appear to show the brothers discussing exploiting and manipulating women.

While the brothers promote a message of male self-improvement, critics say this is merely a front for misogyny and criminality. The prosecution maintains their case is based on law enforcement investigations, not an ideological agenda.

Andrew and Tristan Tate would’ve gotten their trial already if they haven’t filed appeal after appeal

The Tate brothers, Andrew and Tristan, have repeatedly delayed their human trafficking trial in Romania through a series of failed appeals.

Despite claims from their American lawyer Joseph D. McBride that the brothers are demanding a speedy trial, the reality appears quite different. The Tates have filed multiple appeals on various aspects of the case, including challenges to evidence collection, use of CCTV footage, and investigator qualifications. All of these appeals have reportedly been rejected by Romanian courts.

In April 2024, the court ruled that all evidence was collected legally and the trial could proceed. However, the Tates appealed this decision as well, further pushing back any potential trial date.

McBride’s claims that the brothers are victims of government persecution were also called into question. The Tates have extensively self-incriminated through years of public statements bragging about illegal activities.

Contrary to McBride’s assertion that the charges may “fizzle out,” the Tates are facing potential life sentences in Romania, with additional criminal trials likely to follow in the UK and US.

Most troublingly, McBride suggested that even if all allegations against the Tates were true, their positive influence outweighs any harm done. This statement flies in the face of ethical and legal standards.

You are what you talk about?

Ultimately, while Andrew and Tristan Tate have attempted to shape the public narrative around their legal battles through strategic lawsuits and media appearances, the official Romanian investigation tells a much different story. Despite claims of false accusations and political persecution, the evidence presented by prosecutors, including testimony from multiple victims and detailed chat logs, paints a compelling case against the brothers.

Efforts to discredit these accusers, including manipulated leaks and legal maneuvers, have raised more questions about the Tates’ credibility. Ultimately, it will be Romania’s judicial system, not public opinion or media manipulation, that determines their fate. With mounting evidence and failed appeals delaying their trial, the Tates are facing a complex legal reckoning that could have far-reaching consequences for both their personal lives and public personas.

This is just an overview of the questionable strategy they’re using to wage a public relations war. For an extensive look into the extremely serious charges and an examination of the criminal case against them check out the video below. Fair warning, it’s TWO hours long.